1. First Name:Moris
2. Country/City:Lithuania/Vilnius
3. Your Age: 21
4. In Game Name: Moris
5. Level/Class: 67 Berseker
6. What's your Gear?: boots,gloves,helm common low a,comon bw armor, common low a gun, common b jewels.
7. How often do you play?: 6-12 hours im really actyve .
8. Time when you usually play: 14H gmt+2 until 24h+ gmt+2.
9. What clan you ever been part of? Why decided to leave?:I have a lot of clans. but in different servers.
10. Why Us TBK (Trade-Military Coalition)? Any good reasons? Becauz i heard good repplies of this clan.
11. What do you expect from the clan (TBK) and what you got to offer? Friendly chats, exp hunting partyes, and much much more.
12. Do you have any friends in this clan (TBK)?
13. Able to use Ventrilo/Skype? Have a mic? Yes allf of it
14. Able to visit Clan Forums and wwwforum.asterios.tm? Yes
15. Do you have any other toons (support characters):? Their level and class No
16. PK/PVP Counter 35/1
17. Your in game experience ( Playing other classes, pvp, pve) 5 years almost all classes
Отредактировано Moris (2010-09-20 20:55:08)