1. First Name: Przemek
2. Country/City:(We need to know for grouping)Poland
3. Your Age: (Very important) 24
4. In Game Name: Nely
5. Level/Class: (Also Important) 72 Plains Walker
6. What's your Gear?: (Armor, Weapon, Jewelry) Mix of common A grade armor pieces, Phoenix jewelery, bloody orchid
7. How often do you play?: (days per week) [b]7/7 (usually)
8. Time when you usually play: ((UTC)+03.00 Maskow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd) 18:00-24:00
9. What clan you ever been part of? Why decided to leave?: ---
10. Why Us TBK (Trade-Military Coalition)? Any good reasons? You are international clan, which gives oportunity to meet ppls not only from Russia, but many other countries xD
11. What do you expect from the clan (TBK) and what you got to offer? I expect to participate in PvP, PvE, Sieges, Raids. As a clan member you would get new helpful and experienced person.
12. Do you have any friends in this clan (TBK)? No
13. Able to use Ventrilo/Mumble/Skype? Have a mic? Yes
14. Able to visit Clan Forums and wwwforum.asterios.tm? Yes
15. Do you have any other toons (support characters):? Prophet 58
16. PK/PVP Counter 2/2
17. Your in game experience ( Playing other classes, pvp, pve) I play l2 for over 5yrs. Played SH, SK, OL and AW. On all classes actively participated in sieges and pvp.
Отредактировано nel (2010-10-08 00:30:51)