I guess it`s kinda late but still it wouldnt hurt to give it a try xD
1. First Name: (it doesnt say that it`s very important so i would prefer to keep it to myself for now...if it`s such an important infomation i`ll share it...
2. Country/City:(We need to know for grouping) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
3. Your Age: (Very important) 18 same time nexy week
4. In Game Name: Aristta
5. Level/Class: (Also Important) 30 shillen oracle...will be shillen elder xD i started 2 days ago - have mercy
6. What's your Gear?: (Armor, Weapon, Jewelry) what gear do you want on 30lvl? but in 1-2 days when i complete the 2 class quest it would be divine set
7. How often do you play?: (days per week) usually 7/7 ... sometimes i have exams/fashion shows/photoshoots and so on and i cant log (i guess you`ll understand abaut the exceptions )
8. Time when you usually play: ((UTC)+03.00 Maskow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd) mmmm after 4-5 pm depends when i finish my work
9. What clan you ever been part of? Why decided to leave?: i`m passing the academy of redtears ... or i was suppost to - they made some sort of alliance and put together a few clans in 1....so they put me in a random clan...why will i leave? well i`ll get 2 class why i wonty rejoin? the dude who will be my clan leader is quite...nervous....i dont like it...plus they are too quiet (and i dont like it when they throw me around like a toy)
10. Why Us TBK (Trade-Military Coalition)? Any good reasons? not to be rude but there arent many international clans around and if a clan posts a recruitment topic in the server forum that means it`s opened up to meet new ppl
11. What do you expect from the clan (TBK) and what you got to offer? well...fun...im not the exact l2 manic im crazy abaut the game but im not crazy enaugh to expect gear and non stop parties from my clan...all im looking for is fun and im expecting not many fights (none if possible )...what do i have to offer? well...does making fun of myself count? and i guess suppot...im usually opened to help anyone any way possible (as long as they are good to me)
12. Do you have any friends in this clan (TBK)? aaam....nope...
13. Able to use Ventrilo/Mumble/Skype? Have a mic? ventrilo - yes, mumble - probably if some1 explain it to me , skype - yes but i avoid it (not a big fan)
14. Able to visit Clan Forums and wwwforum.asterios.tm? ..doesnt this confirm that i can?
15. Do you have any other toons (support characters):? Their level and class well a little spoiler also around 30lvl and i might log my friends` chars from time to time if i need to do something...but im focused on aristta
16. PK/PVP Counter seriously? how many do you expect
17. Your in game experience ( Playing other classes, pvp, pve) ever since c4...i`ve played everything but i have most experience as a support , mostly ee, i`ve been cardi too for some time....bd...wc...dont make me write it all . also if i havent played something before i learn fast (as long as there is some1 to teach me). im a little weak with the new quests and stuff (after 80lvl) but im sure i`ll get it fast
Anything you really need to know - feel free to ask
have a nice game all see you around
ps. hey if i dont fill in dont worry - im not the type that gets mad for everything